The third Whistlebrass mystery is on its way.

On April 24, 2018, Permuted Press will release THE WHISTLEBRASS CLOCK PEOPLE.

Bobby Bamberger vanishes after an encounter with miniature mechanical men. His sister, Bootsy enlists Casey Wilde on a rescue mission that leads them through a labyrinth of tunnels beneath the streets of Whistlebrass.

Q. L. Pearce, author of the popular book, SCARY STORIES FOR SLEEPOVERS, has called Whistlebrass a go-to destination for fast-paced adventure and spooky mystery.


THE WHISTLEBRASS STORM WATCHER is now available as a paperback or eBook.

Mysterious Viking artifacts, an axe-wielding creature, a mysterious carnival, a haunted cemetery, and the storm of the century!

Casey Wilde is going to have his hands full. Fortunately, his friend, Bootsy Bamberger and a mysterious newcomer named Fae are there to provide some much needed girl power when the chips are down.

Grab your umbrella!


The first book in The Whistlebrass Mysteries series is now available and meeting with some good reviews. I really appreciate the kind responses from our readers. This was my first outing as both author and illustrator and I really enjoyed it. Briar and I are getting book two ready for publication in 2016. It’s called The Whistlebrass Storm Watcher. Beware! April showers bring May monsters.

Scarescape Series

Scarescape Series

Creating covers for Jake Bible’s popular Scarescapes series gave me the chance to create vicious spider dogs, sleep walking space zombies, and killer robots.

What more could I ask for?

moose description

Humpty Dumpty's Magazine

I had a lot of fun creating this moose visiting a pal's camp site to illustrate the poem, A Friend From Camp